Our reliance on technology no longer surprises anyone, but few people think just how many of these technologies are space-based. Planning an optimal route to work and checking out weather forecasts to see if we need an umbrella – these are only some routine examples of Earth observation data provided by satellites. But, of course, they merely scratch the surface of Earth observation data processing and applications.
Below, we will explain why Earth observation data is so important for all ‘citizens of Earth,’ list its most notable applications, and discuss some of the challenges we still need to overcome if we want to leverage its full potential.
Why is Earth Observation Data Important?
One of the primary applications of Earth observation data is environmental monitoring, which, on a larger scale, includes assessing climate change. However, the scale of changes is enormous, so different Earth observation (EO) satellites are watching out for different aspects of the changes our planet is going through. Some monitor glacier melting and rising sea levels, while others provide data on deforestation, desertification, carbon emissions, etc.
Disaster response is another common application area of Earth observation data. Currently, Earth observation data management system advances allow us to predict, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. Warning systems are necessary to evacuate populations, and if the disaster is unforeseen (which still happens), alleviate its consequences, i.e., provide humanitarian aid, transport, etc.
Besides, Earth observation data analysis provides a wealth of information about our planet’s natural resources, so it can be used to prevent over-extraction, ensure mining safety, etc. Earth observation data is also helpful in urban planning and even agricultural forecasts – in other words, practically every industry today relies on Earth observation data.
What are the Advantages of Earth Observation Satellites?

Earth observation data has become so important in commerce, industry, and science because it has a series of advantages over traditional, land-based monitoring. In particular:
● Global coverage, including in areas inaccessible from the land;
● Next-to-real-time observation, which is especially useful in disaster response;
● Continuous observation of the same areas, allowing for long-term trend analysis and monitoring of changes;
● Possibility to use advanced imagers, from high-res optical cameras to infrared sensors that react to heat changes on our planet’s surface.
The choice of satellite sensors and equipment will largely depend on the exact spacecraft purpose, which, in turn, will define observation techniques, described in more detail below.
What are Earth Observation Techniques?
The actual range of available Earth observation techniques would take pages, so here, we list only the broadest categories with notable examples of real-life missions.
The first rough subdivision is into passive and active Earth observation techniques. Passive remote sensing measures natural radiation, either emitted or reflected from our planet’s surface. For this, Earth observation satellites carry either classic optical cameras shooting images in high resolution or infrared sensors that react to heat waves (that is, radiation). The most notable example here is the Sentinel-2 satellite series.
Active remote sensing tech emits its own signals (as opposed to passive ones that only measure emissions from Earth). Such satellites may carry radar or laser beams to send signals to Earth and measure the reflection rate of whatever data is targeted. This technology is essential in terrain mapping and disaster monitoring, especially in tracking floods and earthquakes. The most notable satellite example here is Sentinel-1, which monitors land deformation and changing ice levels.
Next, satellites are not the only means to collect Earth observation data – often, they work in tandem with ground-based tech, especially when soil and atmospheric measurements are concerned. NOAA’s weather satellites, for example, rely on ground stations to validate their forecasts from space.
Earth Observation Data Challenges Today
Even though we have already achieved impressive progress with the state of our space tech and, consequently, Earth observation data, some challenges still remain. The first is data availability because, even though space tech allows downsizing on some of the expensive land-based infrastructures, the costs of launching and maintaining satellites in orbit aren’t inconsiderable. So, many developing countries cannot afford access to real-time satellite data and have to rely on data shared via public satellite imagery.
Next is the sheer amount of data that needs to be analysed, which can be overwhelming for human staff and often takes days of hard work. Besides, even though many satellites today, especially CubeSats, have uniform designs, tech integration is still difficult and requires advanced professional expertise. Finally, there are environmental concerns because satellite launches, as they are today, are harmful to our atmosphere.
Earth Observation Data Potential in the Future
Fortunately, most of the above challenges can be solved, and steps have already been taken in this direction. For starters, data pertaining to anyone on our planet (climate change or natural disasters) is public, regardless of which country owns the satellite. Data analysis is accelerated with advanced computing capabilities and AI algorithms, which minimizes human effort and reduces analysis costs.
Most importantly, private companies are already working on new-generation satellites powered by greener fuels, and there has been impressive progress in this direction. So, Earth observation data analysis might lead us to a cleaner future, after all.